Privacy Policy


Sayapatri is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose information about users of our payment services, website, and mobile application. By using Sayapatri's services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

We collect information about you when you use our payment services, website, or mobile application. This information may include:

Personal Information: We collect personal information such as name, email address, phone number, and payment card details when you register for our payment services or create an account on our website or mobile application.

Transaction Information: We collect information about your transactions, including the merchant, the amount of the transaction, the date and time of the transaction, and the location of the transaction.

Device Information: We collect information about the device you use to access our payment services, website, or mobile application, including device type, operating system, and IP address.

Location Information: We may collect your location information if you enable location services on your device.

Other Information: We may collect other information about you that is publicly available or that you provide to us when you contact us for customer support.

How We Use Your Information

    We use the information we collect for the following purposes:
  • To provide you with our payment services, website, and mobile application.
  • To process your transactions and payments.
  • To improve our payment services, website, and mobile application.
  • To personalize your experience with our payment services, website, and mobile application.
  • How We Protect Your Information

    We use industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. We use encryption, firewalls, and other security measures to protect your information. We also limit access to your information to authorized personnel only.

    Disclosure of Your Information

      We may disclose your information to third parties in the following circumstances:
  • To merchants to process your transactions.
  • To our partners and service providers who assist us in providing our services.
  • To regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies to comply with legal requirements.
  • To prevent fraud or unauthorized access to our systems.
  • Your Rights

      You have the following rights regarding your personal information:
  • To access your personal information and receive a copy of it.
  • To update or correct your personal information.
  • To request the deletion of your personal information.
  • To object to the processing of your personal information.
  • To request the restriction of the processing of your personal information.
  • Contact Us

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal information, please contact us at +977-9802318834.

    Changes to the Privacy Policy

    We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our business practices or legal requirements. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your information.

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