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    Contactless Payment Anywhere, Anytime

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    From your local buses and ride shares to shopping malls, Sayapatri can be enabled anywhere

    Sayapatri Merchant devices can be installed everywhere! We have three Merchant Device Variants for different places - our WiFi-based variant for places with uninterrupted WiFi accessibility, our GSM model for services that do not have easy WiFi accessibility, and our Web-App based model, better for supermarkets. Gone are the days you have to wait in a long-long line, just to pay for the goods you purchased! And gone are the days where you fumble over cards, cash, and internet to pay. Sayapatri cards make all this simpler for you. You just have to TAP! And, your transaction is done without the internet and pins!

    With Sayapatri cards, our customers enjoy the best shopping experience with faster payment and our merchants get to create the operational efficiency of their dreams.

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